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Број резултата: 9


Gledaj kako letim

Za tela,
Koja vide kako vreme nestaje,
Kako beži,
Kako klizi između prstiju
Za duše,
Koje sada putuju lakše
Koje su pustile balast,
I koje takođe znaju
Da postoji, da postoji glas unutra
Koji kaže ne,
Koji kaže žao mi je
Kaže da se ne predaje
Neka naprave svoje opklade
Neka se igra nastavi
Kaže da odbijam da ti prodam svoju iluziju
Da se ne bojim straha
Bez tog tereta više nema gravitacije
Bez gravitacije više nema kuke
Gledaj kako plutam, gledaj kako letim
Gledaj kako plutam, gledaj kako letim
Gledaj kako napredujem
Ostavljajući sve iza
I izgleda kao da život
Hoće da napravi od prolaza vremena
Gijotinu, drobilicu snova
I od svake godine
Izjavu bezuslovne predaje
Belu zastavu njegovoj vojsci zombija
Ali postoji jedan glas, postoji glas unutra
Koji kaže ne,
Koji kaže žao mi je
Kaže da se ne predaje
Neka naprave svoje opklade
Neka se igra nastavi
Kaže da odbijam da ti prodam svoju iluziju
Da se ne bojim straha
Bez tog tereta više nema gravitacije
Bez gravitacije više nema kuke
Gledaj kako plutam, gledaj kako letim
Gledaj kako plutam, gledaj kako letim
Gledaj kako napredujem
Ostavljajući sve iza

Oh, Sana

I always find you here
Right where I left you
Making calculations
Matter for artery
About to explode
It seems presumptuous but it's real
Meal for two and nothing to talk about
I always imagine you here,
Right in the deadly year,
Blunder to frame,
I've never said this to you,
And I'm never gonna start doing it,
It looks like just a game,
But it'll kill you,
Right to the mechanism,
To the central system.
Look at yourself, you seem tired,
You figure it out how they've treated you,
There are mirages that never get to find the light,
It may be that you grow fast,
From a pull in the same queue,
All the saints shake their tales for you.
And pray for you, beg for you.
I've never seen you waiting,
It'll be a matter of trying,
With no intention,
Silent summer, peculiar September,
It looks lie a dream but it's real,
A trip for two and nothing to take.
Look at yourself, you seem tired,
You figure it out how they've treated you,
There are mirages that never get to find the light,
It may be that you grow fast,
From a pull in the same queue,
All the saints shake their tales for you.
And they ask the Lord to save you from this meeting with the other side of what is normal.
I hope they pray for you until they save your soul and every weekend you tell everything to go to hell.
Look at yourself, you seem tired,
You figure it out how they've treated you,
There are mirages that never get to find the light,
It may be that you grow fast,
From a pull in the same queue,
All the saints shake their tales for you.
And pray for you.
Look at yourself, you seem tired,
You figure it out how they've treated you,
There are mirages that never get to find the light,
It may be that you grow fast,
From a pull in the same queue,
All the saints shake their tales for you.
And pray for you, beg for you.